One-pan sausage and brussels sprouts
diet: gluten-free / serves: 4 / cost per serving: $3.50
Takes about 45 minutes.
Pickle the red onion: thinly slice the red onion and store in an airtight container with the red wine vinegar before moving on to prep the other ingredients.
In (say it with me!) one-fucking pan, sauté sausage until cooked through, then add the pickled red onion. Add the brussels sprouts. Saute for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently.
Stir in the parsley and serve.
1 lb italian sausage, sliced
2 lb brussels sprouts, trimmed and quartered
1 c flat-leaf parsley, chopped
1 red onion, thinly sliced
3 tbl red wine vinegar
olive oil
salt and pepper
The quick-pickled red onion nicely balances the hearty sausage. The great thing about this dish is you can cook it on the stovetop, in the oven, or on the grill. The weather was amazing so I opted for the grill this time. If you are baking (especially good for larger quantities that don't fit in your pan), bake the sausage for 20 minutes and the brussels sprouts for an additional 30.
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